When you encounter the error message
Your Single Sign-on account is not connected to this platform,
while attempting to log into Lobbi PMS, it indicates that your existing user account, which may have been created for accessing credit card details or logging into the Lobbi App or the Housekeeping App, needs syncing to be used for Lobbi PMS login.
- Login to Lobbi PMS, using your username and entering your password.
- Go to Management > Users.
- Click the + icon to sync your user account.
In this scenario, you have a Single Sign-on Account but no Lobbi PMS account with the same email address.
- After using the + sync button, your user account moves to the top users list.
Following these steps should resolve the issue. You can now log in with your Single Sign-on email and use the same credentials for accessing credit card details and other Lobbi apps.
via account preferences
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