Updated june 2022
Follow the steps below to cancel a booking and use the proper cancellation mail.
1. Find the booking you wish to cancel. (Room Rack, search box, lists/status )
2. Open the “Current booking” screen by pressing the icon (magnifier) or open the booking form (pencil)
3. Press the “cancel booking” button on the right of the screen.
The “cancel current booking” screen appears
4. There are 4 options to cancel the booking (if all are being used)
- Cancel the booking by the house
- Invalid credit card
- No Show
- Charge the first night.
Depending on the circumstances and the policy of the hotel, a selection is to be made
5. Click Save and close
The e-mail template now appears
6. click send e-mail
7. The reservation is now canceled and is removed from the Room Rack.
8. If needed an invoice can be sent by e-mail, either by using a blanc invoice with a supplement ‘no show’ or by editing the invoice of the booking.
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