1. Add a new supplement
Go to configuration > global > supplement
Add a new supplement:
A pop-up appears:
a/ If you want to make a package, choose the parent. More information, you find here.
b/ Start by entering the name of the new supplement. You only need to enter the supplement name in English. You can add translations once saved, by clicking on the markup balloon next to the 'edit' icon (the pencil): (screenshot at the end of this article)
c/ You can add a comment, to add more info to a certain supplement. For example: what's included in the breakfast: Be aware: shows only on the offer
d/ You can put the supplements in categories if you like. You can create additional categories by clicking on the (if you create a new category you need to perform a save to see the new category in the dropdown list, to be able to select it).
e/ You can choose to let the guest fill in the supplement online, by adding the supplement to your channel manager and deliver us the ID code (Only Cubilis). Ex. Sheets
f/ Determine the VAT% (if you create a new % you need to perform a save to see the new % in the dropdown list, to be able to select it).
g/ Choose a billing plan in the drop-down menu. A supplement needs to be fixed unless it's included in an arrangement.
Automatic calculation is only applied when the supplement is part of an arrangement and is billed automatically together with the stay items.
h/ Select the proper department code in order to structure all revenue streams and reporting.
i/ Select the proper location, if it is only used in 1.
j/ You can mark if a supplement is used a lot and needs to be placed with the favorite supplements for quick acces.: star
k/ You can mark housekeeping if the supplement requires preparation or if housekeeping needs to be informed in any way. This will be put on the housekeeping report: woman
Save and close;
2. Create translation
Translate the name of this new supplement in all languages by clicking on the markup balloon:
the supplement is now ready to be priced.
3. Add a price to the supplement
Go to configuration > pricing > supplement
Add a supplement price:
a/ Choose the created supplement in the drop-down menu
b/ Enter the price
c/ Select the rate plan for which this price applies
d/ Enter a start and end date
e/ Guest category is only needed when you work with prices per type of guests
The supplement is now created and is priced.
4. Extra Options:
A. Create a Package
Go to this specific tutorial.
B. Automatically add a supplement within a booking
1. Go to Configuration -> global -> change the type (see step 1(g) in this article)
2. Go to configuration -> rate plan -> click on the pencil of the rate plan -> add the supplement
* Tick the box if the price of the supplement has to be including the rate plan price that you see in the Room Rack
3. Click on save & close: the supplement will now be added automatically to every booking with this rate plan.
! It is possible to the same for the accommodation type: you connect the supplement with your accommodation type (configuration -> accommodation)
C. Add Supplement to book it extra online:
Extra in Cubilis: add the supplement in Cubilis under 'extras' and fill in the ID in Mancloud.
Discount in Cubilis: add a negative price in Mancloud + Fill in the ID in Mancloud + Select the correct calculation (ex. percentage of daily stay)
1 comment
When you compose a package out of different supplements (arrangement)
you can now select if the supplement needs to be invoiced 'on top' or 'included' in the package price.
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