Please find below a list of keywords that can be used in the e-mail or offer templates.
These keywords allow you to integrate booking information in order to personalize the standard message.
%payment_link_html%: link to the secure payment page with the full amount payable
%payment_advance_1_link_html%: link to the secure payment page with first advance payable
%payment_advance_2_link_html%: link to the secure payment page with second advance payable
%reservation_link_html%: link to the secure reservation page, to allow credit card entry and payment entry
messages :
%title%: Mr / Mrs / Miss
%first_name%: First name
%last_name%: Last name
%name%: Name
%address%: Address
%zip%: Zipcode
%city%: City
%country%: Country
%company_name%: Company name
%customer_code%: Code op contactfiche
%function%: Job role
%nationality%: Nationality
%identification%: Identification
%identification_type%: Identification type
%identification_date%: Identification date
%date_of_birth%: Date of birth
%birthplace%: Birthplace
%phone%: Contact phone
%fax%: Contact fax
%mobile%: Contact mobile
%email%: Contact email
%club_card%: Club card
%reference%: Booking code
%amount%: Total amount
%amount_stay_price%: Booking stay price
%amount_stay%: Booking stay total
%amount_citytax%: The amount of city tax total
%expires_full%: Expiry date
%expires_at_full%: Booking expiry
%arrival%: Arrival date
%arrival_time%: Arrival time
%arrival_full%: Full booking arrival date
%arrival_with_time%: Arrival with time indication
%departure%: Departure date
%departure_time%: Booking departure time
%departure_full%: Full Booking departure date
%departure_with_time%: Departure with time indication
%unit%: Name booked unit(s)
%number_units%: Number of units
%guestlist%: Guestlist (default adults / juniors / babies)
%guest_amount_1%: Number of adults per room
%guest_amount_2%: Number of juniors per room
%guest_amount_3%: Number of babies per room
%rateplan%: Rate plan (doesn't work if you have more than 1 rate)
%arrangements%: Booking arrangement - Gives the number of rooms by room type reserved
%number_nights%: Number of nights
%current_date%: Current date
%current_date_full%: Current date full
%user%: User name
%location%: Location
%stay_items%: Detailed content of the invoice => Detailed price information: prices per room per night of all elements included in the arrangement (lodging, breakfast, city tax, etc.), VAT, room allocation, the total amount.
%stay_items_short%: Shortened content of the invoice => room type, price per room per night, city tax daily per person, VAT, and total amount.
%stay_items_short_arrangement%: Shortened content of the invoice => room type, price per arrangement, city tax daily per person, VAT, and total amount.
%advance_1%: Show first advance amount % (if configurated)
%advance_2%: Show second advance amount % (if configurated)
%last_payment%: Last payment
%balance%: Balance of payments
%total%: Total stay
%payment_reference%: Payment reference
%channel%: Booking channel
%name%: first name
%lastname%: Last name
%companyname%: Company name
%reference%: Booking code
%arrival%: Arrival date
%departure%: Departure date
%arrival_with_time%: Arrival with time indication
%departure_with_time%: Departure with time indication
%rateplan%: Rate plan (doesn't work if you have more than 1 rate)
%unit%: Name booked unit(s)
%guestlist%: guestlist (default adults / juniors / babies)
%amount_citytax%: the amount of city tax
%payment_amount%: amount last payment
%payment_method%: payment method last payment
%first_advance%: show first advance amount % (if configurated)
%second_advance%: show the second advance amount (if configurated)
%payment_link_html%: link to the secure payment page with the full amount payable
%payment_advance_1_link_html%: link to the secure payment page with first advance payable
%payment_advance_2_link_html%: link to the secure payment page with second advance payable
%reservation_link_html%: link to the secure reservation page, to allow credit card entry and payment entry
%date%: Date
%due_date%: Due date document (invoice, offer)
%current_date%: Current date
%current_date_full%: Current date full
%user%: User name
%title%: Mr / Mrs / Miss
%name%: Name
%first_name%: First name
%last_name:% Last name
%nationality%: Contact nationality
%identification%: Identification
%identification_type%: Identification type
%identification_date%: Identification date
%date_of_birth%: Date of birth
%birthplace%: Birthplace
%phone%: Contact phone
%fax%: Contact fax
%mobile%: Contact mobile
%email%: Contact email
%address%: Contact address
%zip%: Contact Location zip
%city%: Contact location city
%country%: Contact location country
%company_name%: Company name
%vat%: VAT number
%at%: Contact vat number
%function%: Job role
%clubcard%: Club card
%reference%: Booking code
%channel%: Booking channel
%reference_document%: information of booking + booking reference
%administration_comments%: Remarks for the invoice through CRM: administration comment
%description%: invoice reference
%code%: Booking code
%location%: Location
%expires_at_full%: Full expiry date
%arrival%: Booking arrival date
%arrival_full%: Full booking arrival date
%arrival_with_time%: Booking arrival with time
%arrival_time%: Booking arrival time
%customer_code%: code contact fiche
%departure%: Booking departure formatted
%departure_full%: Full Booking departure date
%departure_with_time%: Booking departure with time
%departure_time%: Booking departure time
%unit%: Name booked unit(s)
%number_units%: Number of units booked
%number_nights%: Number of nights booked
%guestlist%: Guestlist (default adults, juniors, babies)
%guest_amount_1%: Number of adults per room
%guest_amount_2%: Number of juniors per room
%guest_amount_3%: Number of babies per room
%number%: Number
%number_invoice%: Number of the invoice
%number_bill%: Number of the bill
%number_offer%: Number of the offer
%document_items%: Invoice items (stay, meals, etc) => Detailed price information: prices per room per night of all elements included in the arrangement (lodging, breakfast, city tax, etc.), VAT, room allocation, the total amount.
%document_items_short%: A shortened overview of the invoice => allocated room, price per room per night (total arrangement price), city tax daily per person, VAT, and total amount.
%document_items_simple%: compact version of the invoice => similar to %document_items_short%, but discount is mentioned and the VAT rate (absolute and %) per element per night is mentioned.
%document_items_short_arrangement%: Shortened content of the invoice => room type, price per arrangement, city tax daily per person, VAT, and total amount.
%stay_items%: Detailed content of the receipt/offer => Detailed price information: prices per room per night of all elements included in the arrangement (lodging, breakfast, city tax, etc.), VAT, room allocation, the total amount.
%stay_items_short%: Shortened content of the receipt/offer => room type, price per room per night (total arrangement price), city tax daily per person, VAT, and total amount.
%stay_items_short_nounit%: same as %stay_items_short%, but the allocated room number will not be mentioned.
%document_payments%: Overview payments by type and date
%vat_calculation%: VAT calculation
%payment_reference%: Payment reference
%arrangement%: Booking arrangement/accommodation (doesn't work anymore)
%rateplan%: Rate plan (doesn't work if you have more than 1 rate)
%firstmeal%: First meal
%lastmeal%: Last meal
%advance_1%: Show first advance amount % (if configured)
%advance_2%: Show second advance amount % (if configured)
%payment_link_html%: Show link to secure payment page
%last_payment%: Last payment
%balance%: Balance of payments
%amount%: Amount
%amount_stay_price%: Booking stay price
%amount_stay%: Booking stay total
%amount_citytax%: The amount of city tax total
%stay_price%: Price first night
%total%: Total stay
%administration_comments%: Administration comment
%administration_CRM%: CRM notes
%stay_items_short_banqueting% - used for the BQT Offer, this groups rooms and supplements booked on the rooms.
Tip* Please note that it is better to paste your text as "plain text" into Lobbi by ManCloud. (check the icon in the text editor toolbar of the template). If not you might get different fonts and font sizes even though the text seems uniform
This can be done by clicking on the plain text icon in the text editor of your template.
This opens a pop-up where you can paste the text you want to integrate.
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