What is close for check-in?
When you close a day for check-in, it is possible to book this room on that day, but not possible to check-in/arrive on that day.
By Example: You want to close all you're rooms for check-in on Sunday. This means you don't want it that someone arrives/checks in on a Sunday. This means it is possible to book a room from Saturday to Tuesday, but not from Sunday till Tuesday.
How to close for Check-in?
For a short period: If you want to close one or more rooms for check-in for a few days you can manage it from the grid in the room rack.
- Tick 'edit values'
- Choose a rate plan
- Go to the tab 'minimum stay'
- enter '-1' on the days you want to close for check-in
For a period < 4 months: If you want to close one or more rooms for check-in for several days in a row or a short following period, you can manage through the wizard in the room rack.
For a period > 4 months: If you want to close one or more rooms for check-in for a long period Ex. a year. You can manage it through: configuration -> pricing -> accommodation -> change all the minimum stays for all the days of all the accommodations that you want to close. The period of the arrangement makes it for that period closed. Be Aware: You always have to ask for a full update afterwords.
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