In case you frequently create group bookings you can use a booking template. A booking template allows you to save a group booking as a fixed template which you can reuse to create similar new group bookings by only entering the name of the client, arrival date and amount of guests. So this means it allows you to quickly copy the same kind of group booking over and over again which will save you a lot of time.
Create a Template
1. Click on 'create a new booking'
2. Fill in the contact
3. Choose all your arrangements/units
Tip: save the first line & use add allocation
Tip: Click on the triangle next to 'add allocation', to use one specific unit more then once in the booking.
4. Save
5. Click on 'Create template'
6. A pop-up appears : Fill in the name of the template
Tip: If there is a template you don't use anymore, overwrite it with the new one by selecting the template in 'overwrite template'.
7. Save
Load a Template
1. Go to the roomrack
2. Click on
3. Select a template
4. Select or create a contact
5. Select an arrival date
6. Choose the amount of guests
7. Save
8. A booking is made with the chosen name, arrival date & amount of guest, with the same accommodation type, rateplan & stay duration as the template.
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