You can add unique cleaning requirements or special requests to a booking. These tasks are then updated in real-time and visible to the housekeeping staff in the app, ensuring that nothing is overlooked, and all tasks are completed promptly.
Here are the steps you need to follow:
Go to the booking details page of the guest whose room you want to create a custom task for and navigate to the CRM section. Click on the "+ add comment" button.
A pop-up window will appear.
- In the pop-up window, you can type in the description of the task you want to create.
Be sure to be specific about what needs to be done. Select "housekeeping" as the access type, this will ensure that the task is added to the Housekeeping App. - Specify the deadline.
Select an allocation.
- In the pop-up window, you can type in the description of the task you want to create.
- Once you've filled out all the necessary information, click on "Save and Close". Your custom task will now be added to the Housekeeping App.
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